Just returned from this great concert. Dylan poet laureate for generations to come, never fails to reinvent his style of music for each decade, his tight rich band played tunes from his latest album and new variations of his old classics. Willie Nelson singer, song writer, poet, activist at 77 continues to have one of the greatest voices in American/Outlaw country music.
John Mellencamp put on a great performance (sorry no pics or vids).
Unfortunately cameras are no longer allowed at concerts, this deserves a whole blog onto itself. I could not sneak in the heavy artillery (Nikon F2 with telephoto lens), but was able to bring in a $99.00 Insignia camcorder, which was not much bigger than my cell phone, see
Insignia 5.0MP HighDef for more info. Eventually I was caught and concert security made me shut it off. The 3" color lcd display (no optical viewfinder) can be seen from quite a distance, at least from the aisles by the security guards. No optical zoom (digital zoom was worthless), the internal mic clipped a lot of audio during the Dylan performance (probably the volume level). But the Willie Nelson stuff looked great in high def. The videos I have uploaded here have been compressed in a Flash FLV format, not as high quality, but should download a lot quicker
Dylan Pics (pulled frames from video):

Willie Nelson video:
Bob Dylan video(clipped audio and grainy digital zoom):